High BP, Gestational Diabetes, UTI, Preterm labor, depression and anxiety, miscarriage, and still birth are the major health concerns encountered by the pregnant women. In this article, we shall talk about these concerns in detail. Readers will also learn some easy moves of yoga to get a healthy balance with pregnancy belly.
A pregnant woman not only has to deal with body changes but a lot more of stress, health issues, anxiety, and depression. Bringing a life to this world is not a one day task; her body gets engaged for nine months to deliver a healthy baby. To ease her journey, prenatal yoga expert Ankita (Naturopath and the Founder of Yogymummy) is providing prenatal yoga sessions that can assist you with all major health concerns and protect you against them.
Here, we are discussing top complications that are commonly faced by pregnant ladies across the world –
High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition when the arteries become narrow. Arteries are the nerves carrying pure blood from the heart to the body organs. The narrow arteries struggle to take the blood to the placenta (source of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus). This can affect the growth of the baby and put the mother at greater risk of preterm labor.
“There are pranayams in Hatha yoga that help in regulating high blood pressure. A pregnant woman can practice Anulom Vilom or alternate breathing for 10 minutes a day to control her gestational hypertension.”
Ankita Mahajan
For proper guidance on health concerns of pregnancy and sessions, you can contact team Yogymummy.
Gestational diabetes is a temporary state or condition where a woman gets diagnosed with diabetes during pregnancy. However, gestational diabetes goes away after few months of delivery; but by any chance, if the reports are positive, the woman has chances to develop diabetes in later years.
Yoga helps maintain blood sugar levels and make your body organs functioning in right way. At times, hormones are also responsible for improper production of insulin in the body and thus, gestational diabetes occurs. Pregnant women can prevent such conditions by adapting healthy yogic lifestyle.
STIs and UTI may occur during pregnancy or delivery and may create complications for the mother and the baby.
“You should know that a mother carries a baby, and her baby carries her traumas, feelings, emotions, and infections too.”
Ankita Mahajan
Some infections can transfer from mother to infant during delivery; some can infect the baby in the womb. A mother can easily treat most of these infections with prenatal care hygiene practices and postpartum follow-up care.
A full term pregnancy generally occurs when a mother passes 40 weeks of pregnancy. Any baby born before this duration might be at risk of developing health issues because organs like brain and lungs keep on developing in the final weeks of the pregnancy (39 to 40 weeks).
There is hormone ‘progesterone’ produced by a pregnant woman in her body that helps prevent premature birth. Many doctors give supplement of the hormone to women at high risk for premature delivery. However, with right yogic lifestyle and practices, you can balance your body hormones and cut down the risk of preterm labor.
A pregnant woman may suffer from depression and anxiety due to hormonal and body changes. Such medical conditions can affect the mother and her child’s health. One can address such health concern and get treated with reliable medical practitioner and yoga guru.
“Yoga and meditation can work as a ladder for the woman to leave the depression and anxiety behind and follow the light.”
Ankita Mahajan
Miscarriage and still birth
Miscarriage is the natural loss of baby before completing 20 weeks of pregnancy. A mother may experience unusual vaginal spotting or bleeding, cramping, or tissue passing from the vagina.
Still birth is the loss of baby post 20 weeks of pregnancy. This may happen due to chromosomal abnormalities, poor fetal growth, chronic health issues of mother, infection, etc.
Practicing prenatal hatha yoga can prevent miscarriage and still birth cases. You can rely on Yogymummy and experience the beautiful journey of motherhood.
Yoga makes your organs function well and prepare your body for nourishing the baby inside the womb. It takes care of all health concerns of pregnancy and makes you live a better healthy life. It is always advisable to practice under the guidance of expert to avoid any injury or accident.