Does your baby often get a bout of hiccups? Are you worried about it hurting your baby’s health and thinking on what best to do to stop the hiccups when it occurs?
Here are four simple remedies you can use to help soothing your baby when hiccuping.
What causes Baby hiccups in the first place?It’s caused by the contraction of the diaphragm and the quick closing of the vocal cords is what creates the sound you hear when hiccups occur.
Hiccups may seem very discomforting for adults and you might feel it would be greatly affecting your baby’s health. Well baby hiccups affect some baby mommas more than the child having the hiccups.
Babies are basically pretty okay while going through the bout of hiccups, it doesn’t affect their health as some mothers may seem to believe. A baby could sleep soundly even while going through the hiccups.
It’s important you know that hiccups are normal to occur in babies, even from the womb till they are 12 months. So instead of panicking when they occur, just try these four simple remedies for your baby’s hiccups.
1. Try to Burp your baby.
2. Use a Pacifier.
3. Let it stop on its own.
4. Try feeding gripe water.
1. Burping your baby
especially when feeding helps remedy hiccups. More often hiccups could occur to babies while feeding, so it’s advisable to stop a while between feeding and place your baby in an upright position to burp. Do not use excessive movements or hit hard on the back, rather gently glide your hands on your baby’s back, patting it softly and allow the gas that may cause the hiccups to come out.
2. Using a pacifier.
Sometimes hiccups just occur on its own, even while babies are not feeding. In such cases try getting your infant to suck on a Pacifier, as it eases your baby and the sucking motion will aid the diaphragm get relaxed and help stop the hiccups.
3. Let the hiccups stop on it’s own
You might not like the idea but if you give it a while, hiccups are normally meant to just stop on their own. Take for instance your baby is laying in bed asleep, non affected by the hiccuping… why try touching or moving your infant, which could wake or upset the baby. Just let the hiccups run it’s cause.
4. Gripe Water
Try feeding gripe water if the hiccups is making your baby uncomfortable. Gripe water is a mixed herb combination in water believed to help with colic and other intestinal discomforts.
Although it has not been shown to help with hiccups in babies, gripe water is a fairly low-risk product.Herbs used in gripe water may vary and include ginger, fennel, chamomile, and cinnamon.It’s advisable to check out the list of ingredients before getting any gripe water from the stores.
I also recommend you speak to you baby’s doctor before feeding anything new to your baby.
If you have tried all these remedies and it seems the hiccups are not stopping, then consult with your baby’s doctor.It might be symptoms, which is rear, of a medical condition that’s bringing about the hiccups.