One of our favorite ways to burn maximum calories in minimum time is with HIIT workouts for fat loss. We’re working your full body today and we recommend having a few dumbbells available so that you can switch up the weight depending on the exercise. You may want a bench, chair, or box available for a few of the moves, but it’s not required. Let’s burn it out!
Warm upStepback and ReachToe Touch + Cactus ArmsStanding Figure Four / from Floor
HIIT Workout for Fat Loss
Neutral Press + Iso HoldDB Reverse Lunge + TwistDB Hammer CurlNeutral Grip RowOffset Front Squat + Calf RaiseDB Triceps KickbackDB Hang CleanSide Plank Leg Raise / Knee DownHollow Body Seesaw Press / Knees BentDB Posterior SwingDB Straight Arm Reverse FlyHalo + Goblet Squat
Cool DownStanding Quad StretchDownward Dog to Cobra to Child’s Pose